Regular Season

2024 - 2025 Season

Registration is Open 

Our Learn to Play program develops skating skills, stick and puck handling, and hockey basics. We follow the American Development Model; a hockey model designed by USA Hockey for successfully developing hockey players. Cape Fear uses this nationwide model to produce skilled players – our love of the game is a bonus that we pass along as well.

Click Here for more information.

Cape Fear Hockey’s 6U & 8U house program is designed for players who are new to the game and is designed to teach fundamental skills; focusing on skating, shooting, puck control, rules of the game, and introduces hockey concepts. Players will learn how to be a part of a team in a noncompetitive setting.

The goal of 6U & 8U house hockey is to have fun in a challenging atmosphere and to instill a love for the sport.

Click Here for more information.


Our 8U Junior Warrior program builds on the foundations formed in the 8U House program. There are no tryouts, but it is strongly recommended that players have hockey experience and can skate well. This program has additional practices and opportunities to compete as a team, as an introduction to travel hockey. This team will have an additional practice and compete in two home jamborees and away jamborees in the North Carolina, South Carolina and Virgina area.

Click Here (and scroll past 6U & 8U House) for more information.

Our 10U & 12/4U House program is an affordable alternative to travel hockey. The House program is inclusive of all players, regardless of skill or experience. Our goal is to give kids the opportunity to play hockey in a fun and competitive environment without the pressures of try-outs, team rankings, or extensive travel. The House program is designed to prepare players for the next level of hockey. We hope to instill a love for the game in a challenging environment.

Click Here for more information.

 10-14U Travel
Registration sent after selection

Our travel program is designed to teach and emphasize dedication, teamwork, and accountability. Travel teams will play a full CHL season as well as exhibition games. Teams will play approximately 30 games per season and are guaranteed two tournament opportunities.

Click Here for more information.


Please email Jason Burgess at
for questions and inquiries

Our organization is not endorsed by the Department of Defense or the United States Army and this is a non-federal entity.

CFYHA is not part of the Department of Defense or any of its components and has no governmental status.